We’ve all found ourselves on one side or the other of the ‘Love Gap’ on more than one occasion. But what exactly is it? A phenomenon as upsetting as it is prolific, the Love Gap can be compared to an eagerly anticipated letter that the sender swears was sent, but ... Read More
Significant events have a way of locking in memories. Although I was too young to experience it directly, a quick Google of ‘where were you when Kennedy died?’ demonstrates the point. Fast forward to an event I was old enough to be impacted by - 9/11 - and the same ... Read More
February 16, 2012Caitlin Miller
I’m standing at the counter in Peet’s, ordering my latte princess style: ‘tall, single shot decaf, whole milk, 180 degrees. Thanks!’ The twenty-something barista flashes me a smile and we start to chat. I’m staring at him intently as he makes my drink. Yes, he’s hot; but that’s not why ... Read More
February 16, 2012Caitlin Miller
Over the past 15 years I’ve asked hundreds of executives three questions on the topic of networking. The response to my first question - “How important is networking to you?” - is always 'It's critical'. It’s true: if you want a seat at the table, who you know can make all the difference. I learned this lesson as ... Read More
February 11, 2012Caitlin Miller